My name is A’Myrah Bates, I obtained my bachelor's degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in Kinesiology with a focus on Fitness Leadership and a minor in Sign Language. I found a love for birthing after the birth of my daughter.

I have an extensive background in all births from medicated to unassisted! My goal is always for you to have the birth you desire in a safe space. I will help you prepare for the birth you choose but also knowing the alternatives that are available to you. Having a healthy and safe birth paves the way for a prosperous postpartum. 

I’ve come to understand that all mothers deserve a sacred birthing space to foster a loving relationship with her new family. I want all mothers to feel nurtured, capable, and encouraged throughout their pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period. As a Doula I strive to help all families celebrate, navigate and embrace the journey of parenthood.