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JOPRI’s vision is empowering and enabling the under-resourced children of Uganda in the areas of education, healthcare, and sports outreach.

In your Birth Story Pregnancy guidebook + journal, you will read all about Heidi’s travel to Uganda as an adoption doula for Pregnancy Week 38 and you can listen to Rachelle and Heidi share their adventures in Uganda on the podcast Ep 21.

 Upon her return, some of her best friends came together to form JOPRI to come alongside Kidron Valley  Children's Home (school, orphanage, clinic) to serve and support this amazingly successful organization that requested a partnership in order to prop up their sustainability projects and help their new ideas come to fruition. We hope you will learn more about JOPRI, Heidi’s philanthropic interests, and how portions of each dollar you have invested here at Birth Story Media™ are used to give back to support mothers, babies, and children.


nutritional program

Kidron Valley Orphanage, located in Naminya, Uganda, is home to over 45 orphans ranging in age from infant to 18 years old. Daily, the children living at the orphanage receive meals that consist of very little nutritional value. This poorly impacts not only growth and development, but also their ability to learn in school. Our goal is to provide three healthy, nutritious meals per day to help sustain these children. The existing meal plan did not include daily protein and produce. A new meal plan has been created and is implemented daily for the children in the orphanage with hopes of extending the nutrition program to all of the students attending the school (during lunch hours). Current projects involve increasing the amount of farmland to expand the variety of crops so that over 75% of the produce is grown in-house, constructing a new kitchen, purchasing/raising cattle/goats/chickens, and a freezer has been purchased so meats can be frozen to last throughout many seasons (cutting food costs). This is a powerful opportunity to invest in the lives of these precious children.



Adopt a Teacher Program

Kidron Valley Ministries boasts a primary school that works with students from 3 years old to 6th grade (11 years old) and employs 13 educators and a Headmaster. They are focused on providing academics as well as life lessons and co-curricular activities and games. They feed and educate 300 students daily from Naminya and the surrounding villages. This year, they are looking to expand their offerings to computer classes and training. Jopri funding has helped raise money for a computer lab (chrome-books/wifi/instruction) in order to better prepare students with technology skills that will be utilized for secondary school, post-secondary school and careers.

The average teacher pay in Uganda is a little less than $150-$160 a month. Kidron teachers are currently paid $70 a month and they struggle to make ends meet. They do this job because they feel called to help these students, but retaining these amazing teachers that lead this school to excellence is hard to do with such little pay. In order to keep the school consistently staffed with certified, well-trained, effective teachers, Kidron has requested that we work toward raising the pay of each teacher by $70 a month. Jopri is halfway to its goal of recurring monthly donations that will raise the pay to a liveable wage and help with the retention of staff and sustainability for the school and educational experience for the students. Please join the effort so we can implement pay raises and move toward the addition of sports for social change programs!