139 Birth Story with Amy Kate and Steph 4 Day Induction at 40 with Preeclampsia (Part 2 of 2)


Part 2 of Amy Kate and Steph’s Fertility Journey

Queer Visibility Series Story 3. 

In Part 2, AK and Steph talk about their shared birth story experiences from both birthing person and partner perspectives. Steph talks about SNS feeding after AK had some struggles. This story packs in a ton of advice on having doulas, surrendering to high blood pressure, enduring a 4 day long induction, and power of midwifery care in avoiding a C-section. Their baby also had a velamentous cord insertion and AK suffered a post partum hemorrhage when her placenta was being stubborn and took awhile to come out. 

Make sure to check out Part 1 of their fertility journey first. 

XOXO Heidi

Use code BIRTHSTORYFRIEND for $20 OFF Birth Story Academy if you are seeking amazing online and self paced childbirth education straight from Heidi, an 18 year seasoned doula!

For additional free birth education resources and to purchase Heidi’s book, Birth Story: Pregnancy Guidebook + Journal, visit www.birthstory.com.

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Heidi Snyderburn