163 Birth Partner Support Tips Based on YOUR ENNEAGRAM TYPE!!!!


Heidi joins liz from rudeassenneagram to talk about birth support based on your enneagram type!

Grab your birth partner for this episode! It is packed full of great information on how to support a birth person based on their Ennegram Type. Tip: Before listening to this episode take the test and learn what type you are.

XOXO- Heids

Please joing me for all of your childbirth education needs in Birth Story Academy. I would love to be your virtual doula and teach you all about birth, the stages of labor, birth plans, newborn care plans, and how to be prepared for spontaneous labor, inductions, and cesareans. I cover it all for you and all of my best tips for a beautiful hospital birth and how my clients have a less than 7% cesarean rate and you can too! Use code BIRTHSTORYFRIEND for $20 OFF at BirthStory.com





Heidi Snyderburn