168 Plus Sized Birth, body image during pregnancy and self love with Jen McLellan


Heidi and jen talk about body positivity in pregnancy

Heidi and Jen sit down and chat about all things birthy with love and affirmation for those of us in bigger bodies. This is an episode not to miss especially if things like scales in hallways, small blood pressure cuffs, and monitoring have you stressesd TF out! Let us pour some positivity into your day today!

Follow Jen at plussizebirth.com and on IG at instagram.com/plussizebirth

XOXO-Heids (IG @Birth.Story.Academy)

PS. I would love for you to let me teach you all things pregnancy and birth in Birth Story Academy. Use code BIRTHSTORYFRIEND for $20 OFF at BirthStory.com






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Heidi Snyderburn