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Birth Story Boutique Founder and Doula - Heidi Snyderburn-Campbell

Can’t remember what is included in Birth Story Boutique? Navigate back to the BIRTH STORY BOUTIQUE PAGE HERE to re-visit the full offerings.


How do I know i am in labor?

What will the day of labor feel like?

What does the day of labor look like?

The answers to these questions and so many much more rest inside Birth Story Boutique.

BIRTH STORY boutique clients enjoy A LESS THAN 10% CESAREAN RATE.

All Birth Story Media products including Birth Story Academy are included when you join the Birth Story Boutique.


What are you waiting for, Mama?
Let's do this!

birth story academy $349

Ok, if you aren’t quite ready for a doula or you don’t want the full pregnancy concierge program with Birth Story Boutique - then I welcome you to Birth Story Academy. In this course, you will learn everything you need to know to prepare for a hospital birth from your virtual doula, me- Heidi whether you have spontaneous labor, are induced, or have a planned or unplanned cesarean. Over my 21 years as a doula, I took every birth course I could get my hands on, read every single book, took all the online courses, and found a giant piece of the puzzle missing. Hospital Birth! It is very easy to find courses on how to have a completely unmedicated birth at home. But what about the 97% birthing in a hospital who need to learn to navigate hospital policies and protocols. My birth doula clients have a less than 7% Cesarean Rate. Learning from and working with me reduces my client’s relative risk of a C-section by 78%. So, I took everything that my private doula clients get for $3,500+ and packaged it together for you for $349. In 20 short and fun modules that are easily digestible for you and your partner (if applicable) will have me as your virtual doula and will feel totally prepared for your hospital birth.

I teach you:

  • How to know if you are in labor

    • Seriously, the difference between prodromal labor, Braxton Hicks, and early labor.

  • The stages and signposts of labor

    • This is broken down easily for you and your birth partner to understand where you are at in the labor process, when to make moves to the hospital based on your birth preferences and every single decision you will face once you walk through the hospital door!

  • Partner tips

    • Some want to stay up North, some want to catch the baby, some are afraid of blood, some have anxiety. This course includes tons of partner tips to help your birth partner show up for you in unique ways.

  • How to write birth plans that advocate for you (templates included)

    • Spontaneous labor, Inductions (we dive deep), and Belly Births

  • Hospital Policies and Procedures

    • How to advocate when you want something different for your body and baby

  • Deliverables included:

    • When you join Birth Story Academy you will get…

      • A signed copy of the Birth Story Book (only in the continental United States*)

      • The full Birth Story Bundle with affirmations and the workbook included

      • Three Birth Plan Templates

      • Note-taking templates

      • Partner Questions

      • Birth Vision Workshop and Guide

      • Labor positions guide (medicated and unmedicated) plus 25 additional downloadable guides

      • Audio birth affirmations written by Heidi and recorded by Michelle Smith of Birth Ease Services

      • Access to my proprietary Birth Preferences Planning Tool (use this with your provider, doula, and birth partner to help them help you!)

      • Secret bonus content (IYKYK)

      • Access to my private Facebook community (Birth Story Academy) where I hang out with you and drop in for Q&A

As a thank you for joining the Academy, you’ll get all pieces of my Birth Story collection including a signed copy of the book (continental US only).
Welcome to my team! I am so excited for you to be in the Birth Story Family!

All sales are final, No refunds or returns.


Week-by-week, throughout your pregnancy, you’ll engage with material meant to EDUCATE AND EMPOWER YOU AS YOU PLAN FOR YOUR OWN BIRTH STORY.




You are welcomed each week with a Postcard from the Womb, an adorable note from your baby about their miraculous development, as well as the amazing changes occurring within you.


You are invited to use an uplifting affirmation and to respond to an introspective journaling prompt to document your feelings, curiosities, and wonders.

With room to memorialize your own birth story, this book will become a memory keeper and legacy gift for your baby.


You are encouraged to read one of my favorite birth stories each week, filled with childbirth education tidbits and explanations of important medical terms.

These are real-life accounts shared with permission from births I’ve attended during my career as a doula.


This is a judgment-free space, so take what you need from each element and leave the rest.

Heidi and Dr Thorpe of the Birth Story Team

I’m excited to be your virtual doula on your journey to parenthood!

Along with Dr. John Thorp, a leading OBGYN with more than three decades of superb clinical research and academic service, he has ensured all material in Birth Story Boutique is medically accurate and evidence-based through our collaboration.
